Holy Monastery of Kipina

Holy Monastery of Kipina

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The Holy Monastery of Kipina (Mother Mary of the Gardens) is impressive and makes visitors feel awe at the mere sight of its position. It stands on a craggy rock in North Tzoumerka, near the village of Kalarites. In 1212, a monk, brother Gregorios, started building the monastery and dedicated it to the Assumption of […]

The Holy Monastery of Kipina (Mother Mary of the Gardens) is impressive and makes visitors feel awe at the mere sight of its position. It stands on a craggy rock in North Tzoumerka, near the village of Kalarites.

In 1212, a monk, brother Gregorios, started building the monastery and dedicated it to the Assumption of the Virgin. The name was given to the monastery because of the gardens tended by the monks. The monastery was in its prime during the 18th century and its monks were known for their social work. During the Ottoman period, according to tradition, the monastery was also used as a ‘secret’ school, and the cave in the rock was used as a refuge by local residents. In the 19th century the monastery was deserted and in 1931 it became a dependency of the Monastery of Tsouka.

The asphalt road ends at the base of the rock and from then on visitors can get to the monastery climbing the foot path ‘carved’ on the rock. After the footpath there is a wooden bridge. The path follows the rock slope and the movable ‘suspended’ bridge is just before the entrance. It is let down so people can have access to the monastery.

The small chapel of the monastery is full of icons, probably painted during the 17th century. The roof is the solid rock above the monastery, which has been craftly carved to create a perfect dome. The monastery chapel is also under the natural rock roof. The gold-leaf wooden temple and the icons by Ioannis from Sagiada are works of the 18th century.  The monastery cells have been renovated and have wooden extensions, creating an excellent architectural complex at two levels, in full harmony with the rock.

The feast day of the monastery is the Friday of the Bright Week, after Easter, on the day of the Mother of God of the Life-giving Spring (Zoodochos Pigi).

Visitors are admitted to the Holy Monastery of Kipina from 8:30 in the morning till sunset. The monastery is small and quite unusual due to its location. Visiting and guided tours are arranged with the guide at the village, who has the key. The contact number for information about masses held at the Monastery is +30-26590-61186.

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