Kalentzi Citadel

Kalentzi Citadel

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‘Kastri’, i.e., citadel, is the hill to the east of Kalentzi mountain settlement, a site with ruins of a square tower dating to the Hellenistic times. The citadel is related to the name of the village. There are three versions of the story about how the village was named. The first version maintains that the […]

Kastri’, i.e., citadel, is the hill to the east of Kalentzi mountain settlement, a site with ruins of a square tower dating to the Hellenistic times.

The citadel is related to the name of the village. There are three versions of the story about how the village was named. The first version maintains that the village is named after the citadel. A small castle is called Kale ışık and as years went by it was hellenised to Kalentzi.  The second version supports that the name originates from a family surname.

The view from the Arachthos river ravine is impressive and one can marvel at the magnificence of the Tzoumerka range. The site provides a kiosk and a parking area for visitors who want to enjoy the surroundings. The location is wonderful for photographing the wild flora of the Pindos range and is very close to the Citadel kiosk. Visitors must be careful when approaching the site because there is no footpath as yet. On the way to the Citadel visitors can see various plant species of the Pindos range.

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